Sunday, November 30, 2008

wish weekends would last forever

we have had a full weekend this weekend. sabbath was hectic but fun..heres a shot of my favorite two dressed for church...
then today was perfect blue skies here so lots of this happened this morning...

while mummy shot these

and while daddy worked we found a baby birdie...see if you can see the mummy bird???


Anonymous said...

your little ones looking lovely as always, and it looks like the bike is getting a workout!

Love the waterlillys!! Just posted that my photographic skills are lacking somewhat - but yours arn't. Straight to the poolroom with those!

Cindy said...

I love the shots of a great sunny week-end. Looks like everyone had a great time, little jealous as I sit here rugged up in the beginning of summer

gdaybeautiful said...

Must have had the same idea. I took photos at the dam at the end of our street, no lillies out though, managed to get a couple of passable shots.

Megan.K. said...

What a lovely weekend you had! Those nest pix are awesome, I love nests. I always feel really excited when I see one... loving the waterlilly shots :)

Amber said...

Oh gorgeous pics and they show your gorgeous weekend..xx

flossy-p said...

That nest is amazing. I've heard that willie wagtails make their nests from cobwebs... is that what this one is, I wonder?

p.s. thanks so much for your congratulations :)

PaisleyJade said...

Love your blog!

Danielle said...

My kids would love a ride in one of those.

Gail said...

gorgeous photos!