Wednesday, November 19, 2008

kids are finally born...

one of bubba's mates from playgroup has had a pregnant goat and we went out ages ago to see her. Since then the kids have been waiting and waiting for her to have the babies....Well they have finally popped their little heads out into the world so of course we had to go and have a hold. Caramel and black coloured twins...
So adorable now we all want one!!!


Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

So so cute. Love those little baby animals.

Sarah-Jo said...

maaaaaa maaaaa maaaagnificent!

they are so cute...until they eat your shoes hahahaha

gdaybeautiful said...

Oh, I love goats!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

How wonderful. I want one too. I'm lucky that I work next door to a children's farm so I got to see lots of kids recently too.

Megan.K. said...

Lovely! I love goats - they're so silly and full of character. How lucky for your litlies to get to see these kids.